DIY Birdhouse Plans You Can Build Today

Robin bird house plans

Super Easy Robin Birdhouse

We give you free robin birdhouse plan with all details. Plus instructions on where to install a robin birdhouse and how to attract them.

robin birdhouse, robin nest box, bird house plan, robin nesting box

Click the picture to see all robin birdhouse plan details and cutting list.

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What attracts Robins to a specific birdhouse? The first and most important is a robin birdhouse. They are attracted to already built birdhouses as they do not fancy making their own. The location is also important. The robins like living next to humans because they feel safer around us. This is why they are mainly found in gardens and parks. A consistent source of water and a birdbath could also be crucial. Robins enjoy birdbaths but it is important to keep them clean. Lastly, fruits like grapes, strawberries, and currants are their favorites so having those around your house could help attract the birds.



Best Bird Baths

Robin birdhouse dimensions and other Observations


Best robin nest box dimensions is 200mm high and has a minimum depth of anywhere around 200 to 250mm which should be correspondent to the width. Robin birdhouse hole size must be at least 100mm (4″). For better results, we recommend using open front robin nesting platform. The most important observation is not to install the house on a tree, as the birds are vulnerable to squirrels.

If you do not have a woodworking skills or place to build a robin birdhouse then here is ready to install robin nesting box kit.


Where to put a robin birdhouse? 


Their houses should be installed next to buildings on posts and the buildings have to be occupied because the robins know humans can keep them safe. However, you must ensure that the robin nest box does not make it easier for a predator to reach the birds. The area has to be clear and not have many trees in front of robin bird house because robins like living where they can survey their immediate surroundings and look for food easily.




Use these mounting posts and your birdhouses will remain protected from predators.

To install robin nesting box, use an exterior deck screw and drill pilot holes to prevent cracking.


Robins Nesting and Eating Habits


The birds rarely reuse a nest, but if it is comfortable and secure, it may stay there for a few seasons. However, this is rare because they like moving from place to place. They eat different foods depending on the time of the year and day. Earthworms and beetles are their favorite foods in the morning while fruits are what they mainly eat later on in the day. They enjoy strawberries, currants, sunflower seeds suet, and crushed peanuts. They are also vulnerable to chemical poisoning so watch out.

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