DIY Birdhouse Plans You Can Build Today

Wren bird houses

Perfect Wren Birdhouse

Wren Bird Houses, birdhouse plan, birdhouse plans wren

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Here is the wren birdhouse. Follow the detailed instructions to build your very own Wren Bird house.

wren bird houses, wren birdhouse plan, birdhouse plans wren

Wren can sometimes be choosy about nest box. So it is very important that you keep a close eye on the wren birdhouse dimensions. By observing the exact wren house dimensions, you increase the chance of attracting Wren to use the nest box.

Here are some best wren birdhouse kits for sale. Click the picture.

Wren birdhouse

Wren birdhouse, wren birdhouse plan

Wren birdhouse

Wren birdhouse

Wren house hole size

A crucial factor when constructing Wren bird house is the size of the entrance hole, which must be ideal for shielding Wren chicks from predators.

Download your birdhouse entrance hole size chart here.

 House Wren, Winter Wren, and Bewick’s Wren, as well as Black-capped Chickadees, typically prefer a birdhouse entrance size of around 1 1/8 inches (diameter).

When making carolina wren birdhouse, the hole size should be 1 1/4 “(diameter). This entry hole size is also suitable for White-breasted Nuthatch. NOTE: An entrance hole of this size is also suitable for non-friendly sparrows, who may scare away wrens and kill their chicks.

If sparrows inhabit the area alongside wrens, employing a 1 1/8 inch diameter birdhouse entry hole ensures protection for wrens, as sparrows are unable to fit through such a small opening. Additionally, positioning the entry opening approximately 4 inches above the floor is crucial: a lower height risks wren chicks falling out, while a higher height may result in chicks becoming trapped within the birdhouse.

The size of the floor, measured from the inside, must be 4 x 5 1/2 inches. It is suitable for all Wren species.

Related: 6 Best Free Wren Birdhouse Plans


Wren birdhouse placement

The ideal height of the Wren’s birdhouse is 4-10 feet above the ground and is stable on a wall or post. Although some wren prefer hanging birdhouses. You can test, which hanging or stable bird house is suitable for your area wrens.

Where to hang a wren bird houses

Wrens are not very afraid of people, so you can install a birdhouse near the terrace, where you can watch their activities.

Wren Birdhouse hangers and posts.

Wren birdhouse, wren birdhouse plan


Some Important Tips.


  1. Do not add or buy any birdhouse with a perch. The birds don’t need it. Then the predators will not get to the birdhouse.
  2. After each nesting it is advisable to clean the wren bird house from the old nest material.
  3. Make sure the birdhouse has adequate ventilation and drainage openings to prevent mold and disease.

Use predator guard to avoid this, woodpecker destroy chickadee house.

birdhouse predator guard


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